Building trust through brands

When it comes to the public perception of your business, creating a brand that resonates with the right audience is key. A logo isn’t just a picture to represent your company, Case In Point Design’s Zoe Sizemore describes it as a ‘communication tool’. “Good marketing is all about repetition,” says Zoe, a graphic designer with […]

Mastering the art of Instagram

If you’re already on Instagram, then you’re among the 1.4 billion users making it the fourth most ‘active’ social media platform. With a more visual format, it’s also one of the easiest to get right. Here’s the latest insight from Insta expert, Tasha Meys, who co-hosts the top ranked Instagram podcast: Ace The Gram. Q: […]

9 things you need to know before you blog

If you’re on a tight budget, blogs are an effective way to build trust, boost your reputation, and provide value advice while subtly promoting your business. Not a writer? Too hard basket? Spending time pulling together a few words to educate, inform, inspire your customers or clients is worth the effort. 1. Blog writing is […]

Which social media platform is right for me?

Facebook – the original platform for brands looking to attract Baby Boomers and Gen X (people aged 40 – 70). Twitter – where you can chime in on any conversation. Pinterest – more female-focused with content on design, fashion, fitness, lifestyle, and food. Instagram – your best photos and video clips for the older millennial […]