Business Development

As a business owner, you may be looking to grow your business, but are unsure where to start. Alternatively, you may be losing sleep over business decisions, or feel overwhelmed when business opportunities arise. At Empire St, we help business owners make sense of the numbers, identify opportunities, and navigate challenges.

Our expertise in business development means that we help businesses develop, improve, and grow. Whether you’re looking to expand your customer base, enter new markets, or develop new products, we can help you achieve your goals. Our team of experts has the experience and knowledge to help you separate opportunities from distractions and develop effective strategies for success.

To learn more about how our business development services can help you, please explore our range of services below or contact us to arrange a complimentary half-hour meeting.

Accounting Services

At Empire St, we provide a wide range of high-quality and efficient accounting, tax, and payroll services designed to help you manage your business with confidence. Whether you need help with bookkeeping, accounting, or payroll, our team of experts is here to provide you with accurate and timely assistance with GST, FBT, and tax.

Our services go beyond traditional accounting to include a range of specialised areas such as company administration, trust administration, estate planning, retirement planning, succession planning, business valuations, and planning and managing the sale of a business. These are all areas where our team of experts can provide valuable insights and assistance to help you achieve your goals.

Our approach is to work closely with you to understand your unique needs and challenges, and then provide tailored solutions to help you overcome those challenges. We pride ourselves on delivering personalised services that help you achieve your goals and grow your business.

To learn more about our accounting, tax, and payroll services, as well as our specialist services, please contact us to arrange a complimentary half-hour meeting.

If you’re a business owner who pays provisional tax or terminal tax, you know how challenging it can be to get it right. That’s why we offer tax pooling as a solution to ease the burden. Tax pooling is one of the few options provided by Inland Revenue to help taxpayers manage their provisional or terminal tax payments. To learn more about how tax pooling can benefit your business, visit our partner Tax Traders, or contact us to discuss your tax pooling needs.

Tax audits, reviews, and investigations can be costly and time-consuming for businesses. With our Audit Shield Master Policy, you can protect yourself from the unplanned fees associated with these events. Our policy covers the payment of professional fees incurred as a result of an audit, review, or investigation by Inland Revenue or other government agencies. In the event of a tax audit, the insurer is billed, not you. To learn more about Audit Shield and how it can help you protect your business, please contact us to discuss your needs.