IRD increases visibility of sales data

From April 1, 2023, payment service providers (i.e. EFTPOS providers and online payment platforms) must provide information to Inland Revenue every six months on all transactions processed. Inland Revenue will compare this information with what businesses have filed in their tax returns. They will follow up on any discrepancies in these comparisons. Disclaimer: This blog […]

Looking to invest in R&D this year?

The Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment has announced that businesses performing eligible research & development can access faster and more frequent payments of the R&D tax incentive this year. What is the R&D tax incentive? The scheme provides a 15% tax credit to businesses conducting ‘eligible’ R&D activities and has supported more than $1 […]

D-Link routers under attack

Although it’s the least visible piece of office equipment, wireless internet routers are increasingly being targeted by cybercriminals. The Mirai malware botnet variant known as ‘MooBot’ has re-emerged in a new attack wave, targeting vulnerable routers made by D-Link. Users of compromised D-Link routers might notice a slowdown in internet speeds, unresponsiveness, overheating, or unusual […]