Livestock Special Alert 2023: Dairy Cattle

The values for Dairy this year have seen a fall in values across all female classes, but increases across all male classes. The fall in R1 heifer values can be attributed to the prohibition of live export by sea commencing from 30 April 2023. For the first time the National Average Market Value for R1 […]

Livestock Special Alert 2023: Beef

In contrast to Dairy values Beef values have increased on average 9% and are almost at record values for all classes. This is very much a tale of two halves of the 2022-23 season as exports and prices were weak in the first half of the season but have improved substantially as the season has […]

Five tech tools to digitise your farm

Apps and digital tools aren’t just for desk workers. There are plenty out there to help streamline your farming processes, saving you time and money. Xero When you’re out and about on the farm, it’s helpful to manage accounts on the move. Xero enables you to invoice and reconcile accounts on your phone and keep […]

Beef+Lamb New Zealand’s Innovation Farm Programme

Want to take your beef or lamb farm to the next level? Beef+Lamb New Zealand’s Innovation Farm Programme helps farmers identify tools and practices to unlock financial improvements. The programme brings science and farming experts together to investigate and develop new farming technology. Up to eight farmers are involved in the course at any one […]

Hit by the weather? Get some tax relief

Feeling overwhelmed about tax payments? Here are three ways Inland Revenue can help ease the pain. Get in touch with Inland Revenue or us as soon as possible – we’re here to help. Disclaimer: This blog has been carefully prepared, but it has been written in general terms only. The blog should not be relied […]

Strategies to survive extreme weather

The right management choices can make a huge difference during and after an extreme weather event. Here are some key areas to think about: Build pasture cover Higher pasture covers provide better physical protection against pugging. Build this into the feed budget. Animal Health It is vital to keep cows healthy — especially if wet […]

Trailblazing Kiwi farmers and growers

Every year, the Ballance Farm Environment Awards celebrate farmers’ achievements, focusing on issues such as biodiversity, soil, water and waste management, and animal and plant care. Farmers across New Zealand are recognised for their hard work, innovation, and environmental stewardship. Here are three of this year’s 10 Regional Supreme winners. Super sheep farmers Steven and […]

Focus on feed and finance during wet weather

New Zealand took a battering from the weather in the summer, and unfortunately, severe weather events are expected to become more common. To protect your dairy farm from the worst, here are tips on how to manage your feed and finances. Three-Step Feed Plan Fix Your Finances Disclaimer: This blog has been carefully prepared, but […]

Budget 2023 – Tax

Any tax cuts, or changes to the tax thresholds were vetoed in Budget 2023 as this was viewed as worsening inflation. The big news was an increase to the trustee tax rate: In 2021, with a new 39% top tax rate for those earning over $180k a year, experts predicted some taxpayers would use trust […]

Budget 2023 – Infrastructure

Budget 2023 builds on the $889m already provided in response to this year’s storms. A further $6b is allocated for a National Resilience Plan, for rebuilding after weather events. $71b is committed to new and existing infrastructure projects: not only storm damaged communications, power and roading, but schools, hospitals, public housing, rail and road. $120m […]