Accelerate Budget Alert 2024

The core of the 2024 New Zealand Budget is tax relief for working families and restrained public spending. Households anxious about cost of living and job security make cautious consumers. Businesses coping with rising overheads and shrinking retail spends tend to tighten up to maintain cash flow. Changes to the bright-line test and interest deductibility […]

The Back Pocket Boost

Changes to personal income tax thresholds take effect from 31 July: This is designed to give New Zealanders some breathing space after several years where higher wages dragged them into higher tax brackets due to inflation. Disclaimer: This blog has been carefully prepared, but it has been written in general terms only. The blog should […]

Health and education

The Budget allocates $3.4b for hospital and specialist services and $2.1b for primary care, community and public health through Health New Zealand. $1.77b is allocated to Pharmac. The free breast screening programme for women aged 45 –69 will be extended to include women up to the age of 74. The Gumboot Friday initiative will receive […]