Some common things businesses forget at tax time

1 minute to readRunning a business is a demanding job, so it’s no wonder owners lose track of crucial things at tax time, such as: Deducting entertainment expensesDinner and lunch meetings with clients and customers are partially tax deductible. Keep your receipts and check in with us to see which meetings can be deducted. Bear […]
DON’T FORGET: Documents for your accountant

1 minute to readRemember to provide all the relevant documents we will need to put together your financial statements for the year. Have you got these ready? Disclaimer: This blog has been carefully prepared, but it has been written in general terms only. The blog should not be relied upon to provide specific information without […]
Your 12-point checklist to stay ahead on tax

2 minutes to read 1. Contracts Have you invoiced retentions that don’t need to be paid until next year? If they are payable this tax year, they will be classed as taxable income for 2023-24. Unsure? Talk to us as your tax adviser. 2. Employee expenses and holiday pay Holiday pay, bonuses, redundancy payments, and […]