Inland Revenue have recently announced this year’s livestock Herd Scheme Values and we think this is a great opportunity to update you on the latest movements. The Herd Scheme Values are the National Average Market Values, determined by a process involving a review of the livestock market as at 30 April.

Consider your livestock election choices carefully. Even though changes were made to the Herd scheme in recent years, there is still flexibility around how to value increases in numbers – if you increase your numbers during the year, you can choose an alternative valuation option to value that increase. Whether you take that option or elect to value the increase using herd values will depend on several factors, such as:

As the decision is clearly one that should be made on a case-by-case basis, we will naturally discuss your valuation options with you on review of your 2024 Financial Statements and Taxation Returns.

If you would like a detailed report explaining the main features of the Herd and NSC Livestock Valuation methods, as well as a summary and graphic illustration of the Herd Scheme Values from 1987 through to 2024, please contact us.

Disclaimer: This blog has been carefully prepared, but it has been written in general terms only. The blog should not be relied upon to provide specific information without also obtaining appropriate professional advice after detailed examination of your particular situation.