Security issues to consider
At Christmas time, most of us are celebrating and seeing our loved ones, yet some opportunist thieves see it as the perfect time to strike, taking advantage of empty businesses.
2022 has seen a spate of ram-raids, theft, and vandalism targeting New Zealand businesses. With companies closing over Christmas, there are plenty of security issues to consider:
- Before you close, ensure all doors and windows are locked, shutters are down, and consider investing in a security alarm system (it could make all the difference).
- Use lighting to your advantage. As thieves like to commit crimes under cover of darkness, sensor lighting can deter them at the door. Keep lights on timers to give the appearance of an occupied space. It could make criminals think twice.
- If you keep valuable equipment on site, paying for a professional security service could be a worthwhile investment.
Maintaining a skeleton staff
While some businesses shut completely over the summer break, many stay open. Businesses have the difficult task of balancing their rotas to keep things running smoothly.
To maintain a skeleton staff over Christmas, offer incentives — after all, working at the height of summer might not be that enticing. Ensure all your staff have the chance to take turns to cover shifts, so everyone gets some time off to see their loved ones.
Disclaimer: This blog has been carefully prepared, but it has been written in general terms only. The blog should not be relied upon to provide specific information without also obtaining appropriate professional advice after detailed examination of your particular situation.