Christmas is a great time for businesses to send out fun, engaging messages to customers. People are on the lookout for new products, experiences, and services, more willing to spend. What’s the key to adding some Christmas magic to your marketing and inspiring brand loyalty into the New Year?
Prepare early. Christmas decorations seem to go up earlier every year, and people like to get organised. Be ready to send out emails long before the holidays. Inspire shoppers with gift ideas, sales, and savings to boost your Christmas top line. Personalised offers can generate even better results.
Build your subscriber list. You won’t be able to engage unless you have a decent subscriber list. Be open and transparent with your customers about why they should receive your emails and messages and let them know about all the fantastic deals they could miss out on. A Christmas-only subscriber list could also drive engagement.
Make your email stand out. Many businesses bombard customers with offers, exclusive deals, and customer messaging at this time of year. How do you make yours stand out? When creating your email, test out different subject lines, preview text, calls-to-action, and personalisation tactics.
Be mobile-friendly. The most successful companies know consumers are increasingly mobile, and more spending than ever is done on smartphones. Your email is more likely to be read on an iPhone than a desktop. Ensure it’s concise and designed for mobile devices. Emails that aren’t mobile-friendly can be marked as spam.
Remember late shoppers. You’ll have built plenty of momentum with your subscriber list by late December, and there are always people who leave their spending until the very last moment. Tempt them with some carefully crafted emails.
Disclaimer: This blog has been carefully prepared, but it has been written in general terms only. The blog should not be relied upon to provide specific information without also obtaining appropriate professional advice after detailed examination of your particular situation.