Keen to get a Christmas email out to your customers but unsure where to start? We’ve compiled some helpful pointers to get the most out of e-marketing.
1. Send more emails in December
Experts believe that increasing the frequency of your emails in December can help grab customers’ attention. Inboxes are crowded as a result, however, so you’ll need something eye-catching to cut through the noise.
2. Use persuasion tactics
Christmas campaigns are the perfect opportunity to test out your persuasion techniques with snappy subject lines and enticing calls to action.
Consumers are more likely to part with their cash over Christmas, so tactics like fear of missing out (FOMO) can nudge email subscribers to buy.
3. Use Christmas themes
Don’t be shy; add a touch of festive humour into your messaging. Play around with snappy puns, keywords, and Christmas wordplay. Even Christmas emojis can lighten your messaging and make it stand out.
4. Target seasonal customers
Your customer database should tell you which customers have been active during previous Christmas months. Use the data to your advantage as these customers are your most lucrative subscribers at this time of year.
5. Time for a seasonal giveaway?
People love free stuff, especially at Christmas. December is a great time to launch a promotion or competition. Incentivise your subscribers to engage with your emails and give something back.
6. Look for inspiration
Take a look through your inbox and see how the big brands and companies have targeted you with Christmas marketing over the years. You might find some inspiration to give your campaign a boost.
Disclaimer: This blog has been carefully prepared, but it has been written in general terms only. The blog should not be relied upon to provide specific information without also obtaining appropriate professional advice after detailed examination of your particular situation.