Accelerate Budget Special Alert 2023

‘Support for today building for tomorrow’ Like the rest of the world, New Zealand has reeled from the aftermath of Covid, rising inflation and interest rates, and the cost-of-living crisis. This year we also have a massive storm damage repair bill. The 2023 Wellbeing Budget was distinctly lacking in lolly scramble. Treasury believes we have […]

Digital boost for SMEs extended

At the height of the pandemic in 2020, the government announced its free Digital Boost support package to help small businesses transition to a digital world. The scheme was such a success, the following five services will be available until the end of June. Disclaimer: This blog has been carefully prepared, but it has been […]

Why angel investors can be a godsend

If you run an innovative company offering the world something new, a partnership with an angel could be right for you. Angel investors are a great match for fast-growing businesses who want funding and are willing to hand over a slice of equity. In most cases, there are no collateral obligations to angel investors if […]

What lenders want to know about your business

While getting a business loan from a bank can be painful (with reams of red tape to wade through), it’s not impossible. Here’s what banks are looking for. Disclaimer: This blog has been carefully prepared, but it has been written in general terms only. The blog should not be relied upon to provide specific information […]

Your alternative funding options

An outright stake sale might not be the best fit for your company. Here are three different paths you could take: 1. Asset finance:A loan to pay for a particular business asset, such as a vehicle or piece of machinery. Pros– Interest rates can be competitive if you are able to go through a mainstream […]

What does the Fair Pay Agreements Act mean for you?

New Zealand has a new system of employment bargaining with the passage of the Fair Pay Agreements (FPA) Act which took effect from 1 December last year. Fair Pay Agreements bring unions and employer associations together to bargain for minimum employment terms for all covered employees within a sector or occupation. Visit Employment New Zealand’s […]

Should you sell a stake in your business?

Like every plant needs water and sunlight to grow, every business needs financing. Starting a business or expanding an existing one requires investment, and it can often be confusing for small companies to weigh up their options. Is it time to sell a stake?As a business owner, you may struggle with the concept of relinquishing […]

Could the Government help you grow this year?

Yes, here’s how: Research & Development FundingIf you’re a small company investing in product development, check out what’s available through Callaghan Innovation. Business advisory servicesThe Regional Business Partner Network can back small businesses, with advice, support, and access to funding for business growth initiatives. Capability development vouchersIf you employ fewer than 50 employees, you could […]

Manage your Christmas cash flow

Christmas can cause a cash flow crisis for small businesses, but you can prevent problems from spilling into the New Year. Here are two ways you can ease your cash flow worries:

Tricky tax questions at Christmas time

Here are some answers to common tax questions at this time of year. Is our Christmas work party tax deductible? Does it matter whether it is held on business premises?Expenditure on entertainment is only 50% deductible for tax purposes. This applies to deductions for spending on food and drink or celebration meals, whether they are […]